Friday, November 7, 2008


The world has suddenly gone into a frenzy of some sort. Why not? The greatest, most powerful nation on earth on several fronts was going to the poles.The world knew that whatever the outcome of the elections there would be a bounce back - "when America sneezes, Europe catches cold." Not only Europe, the whole world catches cold.

Now the song on everyone's lips is "YES WE CAN" because someone by the name Barack Obama did.

Today, anyone and indeed everyone that has some form of litrary prowess has found a new topic and subject to write about. And because I am a player in this arena (writing), I thought it wise to also catch in on the Obama craze and air my own views and opinion.







Yes, that is it. You want to be like Obama? That is what you have to do - Objective, Bold, Anticipating, Motivating and of course Articulate.

Obama in Kenyan language means favoured one. His name has "Oba" (which means King) as the first three letters, tell me, why won't he become the 'Oba' - President.

There are so many sides to this whole story that we can explore, but, the lesson for all of us is simple, start from dreaming like Martin Luther King Jr. and keeping working like Abraham Lincoln without giving up no matter what happens and how many times you loose, at the end, like Obama, you too will say, "YES WE CAN" and we have.

Before I round off, permit me to say I believe Obama will 'sanjo,' meaning he will do well as the President of America - PRESIDENT OF THE WORLD.Your testimony is next.

You are next in line to make history.

God bless you. God bless America. God bless Nigeria.

Abiodun Mabadeje